Monday, November 15, 2010

lots of blogwalking and a feeling of regret :P

Salaam . Hey hey hey !
Hmm . Oh yes , I did lots of blog-walking . 
Hoho . Streamyx punya line lembsss !
Hohohoho .
Okay okay okay .

nak center letak je kat edit html tu

Hmm . Talking about feeling regret , I regret doing , I mean buying something . I really love that thing , but I don't know why like I feel like I don't need that actually . Yeap , a waste of money . 
It's quite expensive . Almost RM4k . Oh what have I done !
Hmmmmmm :'(
I cried last night . Yes I did .
I felt awful and disgust .
I have to go now .
I'll update more .


yaww ! thanks for your comment :)