Sunday, November 21, 2010

Death Place was very confusing :P

Salaam . Hey yo !
So , today I went out with Linda , again .

Hahaha . We watched the Death Place , scary Thai movie .
Tak scary langsung kottt !
Just a little frightening :P
Hahaha . 
And the movie was quite confusing =.=
I am totally in love with Tua . You have to see it to know it :D
Yeah , we spent hours at KFC , Facebook-ing and blogging as usual . Eating three Cheesy Wedges and two Pepsi :D
I was hungry =.=
Well , I'm hungry all the time :D

That's all for today :)
Good night .

Updating , soon .

1 comment:

  1. death place??
    aku rse aku dh tgk cite 2
    ari 2 aku g dgn dedy..
    mmg xseram pon


yaww ! thanks for your comment :)